Fleeting Notes

Epiphanies, shower thoughts, quick notes on topics that you read about, hear about, see in a video, etc.. These will also be direct quotes and/or highlights from the media itself. They are the source of your Literature Notes and Permanent Notes.

1 min

Literature Notes

A summary of your understanding of your Fleeting Notes from media. The important part is that you use your own words. These are a source of Permanent Notes, of which they may spawn several.

1 min

Permanent Notes

One single, atomic idea distilled as much as possible. Should be easy to understand in isolation. Assume the reader has zero context. Strive to have a “one-liner” explanation for each permanent note.

1 min

The Parable of Two Lumberjacks

A man is walking through the woods and comes across a lumberjack trying to cut down a tree with a blunt axe. The lumberjack is obviously not successful, so the man asks him “Why don’t you sharpen your axe?” The lumberjack replies, saying that he would love to, but he doesn’t have the time. He explains that he needs to cut down all these trees by the end of the day....

1 min


System of note taking where notes link to other notes. This creates a network of information that is connected much in the same way your brain is connected, since you make the notes and connect them in a way that makes sense to you. Created by Niklas Luhmann, a German sociologist in the 20th century. My current system consists of Fleeting Notes, Literature Notes, and Permanent Notes. This may change....

1 min