I’m Vince.

As a software developer, I’m fascinated with efficiency and doing more with less. This site, for instance, is built using Hugo, which lets me create pages with simple Markdown files.


I created this site because I want to document and share the things I learn, consume, and discover. I’m a huge proponent of having a second brain and I’ve built mine with the Zettelkasten methodology in mind. My goal is to share things that go into my second brain as my way to fulfill the Express component of Tiago Forte’s CODE method.

I’ve had the urge to share my thoughts with a broader audience for a little bit now. I initially wanted to start making YouTube videos to do so, but soon realized just how much goes into that process. Yes, I know the classic advice of “just grab your phone, hit record, and upload.” But I am way too much of a perfectionist to be able to do that, so I’m trying my hand at plain text first. Not to say that producing videos isn’t going to happen, but this is where I’m starting. It’s all about iteration.

If you’ve made it this far, I appreciate you. I hope you learn something new while you’re here.